
At VITAL 8, we strive to AWAKEN the dormant potential within each individual, while nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.

Empowering you to take small yet meaningful steps towards holistic well-being, we focus on sustainable habits and continuous growth.

Our evidence-based approach guides our community through a TRANSFORMATIVE journey, TRANSCENDING perceived limitations and embracing a life of more balance, purpose, and vitality.

Our comprehensive system guides you through eight pillars:



Reflect on your values, awaken to your behaviors and habits, and begin to rewire negative thought patterns.

***Sign up for our free intro course***


1st Pillar

Understand the vital importance of water for your health, discover the toxins within your drinking water, and explore effective filtration options.


2nd Pillar

Explore how breath affects your nervous system, learn how proper breathing feels, and practice numerous breathing exercises to enhance overall well-being.


3rd Pillar

Dive into the world of nutritional psychology, learn to differentiate between natural and processed foods, and equip yourself with the knowledge to make more nourishing choices.


4th Pillar

Embrace the joy of movement, discover the link between exercise and stress management, and explore the transformative benefits of yoga for the body and mind.


5th Pillar

Assess your sleep routine, optimize your sleep hygiene, and find actionable tips for enhancing your overall sleep quality.


6th Pillar

Create a harmonious living space, reconnect with nature's healing power, and identify and eliminate toxins from your living environment.


7th Pillar

Discover the PERMA model of well-being, nurture mental and financial health, and prioritize self-care to cultivate a more fulfilled life.


8th Pillar

Journey beyond the physical, explore the principles of Quantum physics, and harness the transformative power of meditation.